Neada wears Christopher Esber Double Cardigan and Toteme Jeans
MC Woman
Neada Deters
Founder and Creative Director of LESSE, Neada Deters invites us to her Darlinghurst apartment while she visits from Los Angeles in early February (@neadajane).
- What is your daily rhythm?
I take the mornings slow and taking my time to drink a coffee and read the news, followed by my skincare ritual and a hearty breakfast. Most of my day is devoted to work, but I try to incorporate something creative for LESSE to break away from the monotony of emails and the granular tasks that seem to fill our hours. I also take time to be outside. I'll eat my lunch in the garden or take our dog for a long walk, breathe in some fresh air and take time away from a screen. After I finish work, my husband and I usually drink a glass of wine and watch the sunset. We have a great view across all of Los Angeles and this is a moment for us to step away from the stress of work. The day ends with a long dinner, reading, maybe a documentary.
- How do you dress for the day?
Throughout isolation, any resemblance of style has been purely defined by comfort. In my usual day to day, I focus more on elevated essentials — neutral, tailored or knit pieces that are generally versatile and wear well throughout the years. Sustainability is a priority for me, so I gravitate towards pieces that could become a fixture in my closet for a long time.
Wearing Re/done 90's Tee and Toteme Novaro Pants
- How are you getting through this time?
Wine with friends over video calls, taking intentional breaks from the news cycle, and moving my body daily.
- What do you feel is important during this time of isolation?
It's so important to check in on one another; this is a difficult time for most of us and it comes in waves. I think it's also an incredible opportunity to put life into perspective, and to reflect on what really matters. This virus is an equalizer in many ways, physically impacting people of all socioeconomic ranks, but it is also highlighting huge divides here in the US. So many people don't have health insurance, which as an Australian, is baffling. I hope that out of this, America will institute universal health care. It's decades overdue.
- How are you making your ‘work from home’ situation with LESSE?
Our office is on the same piece of land that my home is on, so it makes this an easy transition in many ways. The most difficult shift has been working on it alone, or just over email and phone. Just as I am with digital friendships, I find it much easier to be effective working with others when we're together meeting in the same place. Many of the issues that we have faced in the upheaval of covid-19 are also only issues I can deal with, so there has been a lot of solitude in that work. But it's all perspective; I'm so grateful for my health, the roof over my head, that it looks like my business with survive this crisis.
- Are there any physical exercises you do?
Several times a week I usually practice yoga at a local studio and go for long friends with hikes on the weekends. But this time at home has made me more creative with exercise. I'm dancing for the first time in my life with Ryan Heffington's live streams and practicing yoga a couple of days a week with Sky Ting. I usually go to their studio in New York whenever I'm there on a work trip— and their live stream is a taste of what it might be like if they opened a studio in LA.
- What are your skincare rituals?
My skincare ritual is pared back but effective. When products are well made and thoughtfully applied, we don't need much. In the morning, I relieve any puffiness by rubbing an ice cube in circular motions across my face and neck. Then a gentle towel dry, a few drops of our LESSE Ritual Serum, and a light application of Etna MD SPF. In the evening, I do a gentle double cleanse using our LESSE Refining Cleanser, then ice cube, and finally our serum again but a heavier application. Two or three times per week, I apply our LESSE Bioactive Face Masque for a deeper cleanse. I also drink filtered water constantly throughout the day and never leave the house without SPF.
Wearing Bassike Rib Tank and Dion Lee Pivot Pant
- With this slower pace, is there anything you have rediscovered?
I'm generally terrible at digital friendships. When I am with you, I am one hundred percent present and I make real-time for the people that matter to me. So this has been a steep curve in learning how to stay in touch digitally and show up for people in a different way. The other new discoveries have been dancing and air-dry clay. In my downtime, I have been making small things for our home inspired by my dear friend and ceramicist Rachel Saunders.
- In what part of your home do you feel the most comfortable?
I feel so incredibly cosy in our bedroom. I have held a firm line in leaving my work at our bedroom door, and leaning into afternoon siestas and sleeping in on weekends. I feel most energized in our living room— it's where we talk politics and social issues, let loose and enjoy a glass of wine.
- Your recommendations for those staying in during this time?
Structure your day according to how you would normally live— work the hours you normally work, eat when you would normally eat, call a friend when you would normally hang out. There is also a subconscious stress that comes with this kind of upheaval and the constant news cycle, so also take time out every day to do things that are uplifting or make you whole. Dance around your living room to your favourite song every morning, don't feel guilty for having a wine with lunch, lean into getting into bed at 8pm. But please — and I say this as someone who lives in the US and has seen this exacerbate so quickly — stay home. Take this stillness as an opportunity; a moment none of us may have again to be alone in our thoughts, to read, to start that side project, to rest.
Neada wears Christopher Esber Cardigan and Toteme Jeans